Join us for Researching Welsh Ancestry, a half-day course featuring specifically Welsh resources and issues, such as nonconformist worship, surnames, occupations and migration.
Tutor and genealogist Gill Thomas specialises in Welsh research and will share ideas and methods to help you break down your brick walls and open new avenues of research.
Don't know your Cardigan from your Aberteifi? Dealing with too many Joneses?
Join us for a half day of Wales-focused learning.
About this event:
- Talk on Zoom with Gill Thomas, Specialist in tracing Welsh ancestors.
- £20 but included in SoG Gold Membership which starts from £15 per month
Gill Thomas has a background in History, took her BA at the University College Cardiff and has a Postgraduate Certificate in Genealogical Studies at the University of Strathclyde. She is the owner of ‘Who What Where Research Services’ and is based in London. She is currently the chairman of AGRA (Association of Genealogists & Researchers in Archives).