A warm Welsh welcome to Conwy County!
Join us for a live evening event of lots of fun, adventure, news and be one of the first to play - Get your Goats in a Row - fastest herder wins for a chance to win a family hamper of Welsh gifts and produce.
Our famous Welsh Great Orme goats have been full of fun mischief during these lockdowns, roaming the streets, not really adhering to social distancing and enjoying the odd takeaway snack of hedge!
Can you help us get our goats in a row? We need you!
Play this quiz and be the first to help us get our goats in a row, or fill the field and get the whole herd in!
There will be 2 winners for this event. One winner will be the first person to get a line of horizontal or vertical goats before unmuting their microphone to shout the word “goat”. The second winner will be the first to get the whole herd back in before unmuting their microphone to shout the word “goat”.
Both winners will receive a treat from our brand new Visit Conwy online shop – www.shopconwy.wales. The first winner will receive a goat-themed gift and the second winner will receive a family hamper full of Welsh gifts and local produce.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Conwy County as soon as lockdown restrictions ease. In the meantime, we have everything you need to help you plan your next visit to Wales and to make it utterly amazing.
During this evening, we will also take you on a trip around Conwy County to find out about our adventure, heritage, culture and food and drink.
It is also worth visiting our website (www.visitconwy.org.uk) to help you find loads of great ideas for your next trip to the county 😊
Included as part of the event will be the first Conwy County news bulletin to bring you up to date with all the exciting new openings and plans to look out for when you visit.