The UK's capital city, and one the most economically successful regions of the country / world, is within reach of Welsh businesses. Greater London has a total GDP that is seven times that of Wales and a population three times greater.
It’s a huge market opportunity as well as a rich source of investment, knowledge and potential support, via our London based diaspora. It's estimated that over 400,000 of our diaspora live in London and the south east of England.
To support ambitious Welsh businesses GlobalWelsh London is planning quarterly ‘Connect with London’ events where we will bring together Welsh professionals, business leaders, investors and entrepreneurs that wish to build their London network across a broad range of industries & occupations.
The first will be on the evening of the 23rd February 2023 as part of the Wales Week London schedule.
Investors will also be attending the event so we are inviting Wales-based entrepreneurs that wish to connect with our London-based investor network to contact us to discuss being part of these events. Register your interest by emailing