The Founders and Partners of Wales Week in London are celebrating after Dan Langford was honoured at the IoD Wales Director of the Year Awards with the handpicked Director’s Award for Wales Week in London.

The IoD awards, now in their seventh year, have become a major highlight on the Welsh business calendar, celebrating business achievements and inspirational leaders across Wales.

The Director’s Award category is awarded at the discretion of the Director of IoD Wales in acknowledgement of the winner’s contribution to their particular field. This year, Director Robert Lloyd Griffiths selected Dan Langford for the accolade; not only for his work at Acorn but, together with co-Founder Mike Jordan, for enhancing Wales’ reputation through the launch of Wales Week in London.

The not-for-profit, annual programme of activities celebrates, showcases and leverages the activities of existing London-based Welsh communities, and helps celebrate and promote the best of Wales, in London. It is a vehicle for Welsh organisations in all sectors to promote their products and services whist developing new London-based audiences, partnerships and businesses connections.

Reacting to the win, Dan Langford said:

“Mike and I been amazed of the level of support and engagement the Wales Week in London initiative has attracted.

“This year we had some 80 activities and events in London around St David’s Day, all celebrating and promoting Wales across business, the arts, media, sport, tourism, food and drink and so on.

“The support we received from a host of sponsors and both the UK and Welsh governments has been superb. We’ve already had numerous discussions with partners about next year’s programme, so there appears to be no let-up in the levels of interest, which is great for Wales.

“At the awards ceremony there were some amazing award winners; the IoD has really showcased the professionalism, expertise and important contributions these people, their teams and their organisations make to Wales both in terms of the economy and society as a whole.

“Many congratulations to them and to all the finalists, and also to the IoD for the invaluable contribution and support they continue to provide businesses throughout the country.”