The dates for Wales Week in London 2020 have been announced - Sunday 23rd February to Sunday 9th March 2020.

With some 107 different events / activities taking place during Wales Week in London 2019 - as well as, for the first time, Wales Weeks occurring elsewhere in places such as New York, Ohio, New England, Paris, Germany, Melbourne, Newcastle, Essex . . . we're already getting excited about plans for next year!

As well as working with all the event organisers and hosts who have been involved this year, there are some new events that are already under discussion - some great plans and some new sponsors / partners - including a host of other locations from across the world also wishing to join the 'Wales Week' party - there's no letting up!

So for now, please get the dates in your diary - and if you're interested in getting involved either through putting on an event / activity, in helping with promotions of Wales Week, in sponsoring / partnering a specific activity or Wales Week generally, or for any other reason please do get in touch - we'd be delighted to hear from you!

Diolch yn fawr.