Admiral is delighted to host a panel discussion with Net Zero Industry Wales, the first Future Generations Commissioner, and PwC as panel moderator, coming together to discuss our shared responsibilities as business, policy, and innovation experts to drive forward Wales’ contribution to transitioning to a greener economy.
Whether you’re joining as an active participator in this shared vision, or want to learn more about the multitude of initiatives and investment that are helping us get there, this is a great opportunity to help break down the silos of activating impactful change across Wales.
Michelle Leavesley, Chief Sustainability Officer at Admiral, Wales’ only FTSE 100, will share the panel with Ben Burggraaf, CEO of Net Zero Industry Wales, and Sophie Howe, the first Future Generations Commissioner, with PwC as panel moderator.
15:00 – Arrival and welcome drinks
15:30 – Panel discussion and Q&A
16:30 – Networking
18.00 - Close